What do I need to do to get married in Massachusetts?

A marriage license is needed to get married in the Bay State. You can apply for a license from any city or town in the state — it doesn’t have to be from the town where you live or where your ceremony will be, and it is valid anywhere in the state. You will need to remember where you filled out your intentions because that is where you will need to go to get copies of your marriage certificate in the future. You do not need to be a resident of Massachusetts to be married here.

Before your wedding you’ll need to:

  • Fill out a Notice of Intention of Marriage Form — You and your future spouse will need to go in person together to your city or town clerk to fill out this form. You’ll need to provide:
    • Proof of your age, such as a birth certificate, driver's license or passport. As of 10/26/2022, marriages are prohibited to individuals under the age of 18.
    • Your Social Security number (this is a separate form we send to the state, we do not keep a copy)
    • Payment for fee, which varies by town (currently $10 in E. Brookfield – check or cash, we do not take credit cards)
    • The last name you’ll use after the wedding if you’ve decided to change it
    • Where you were born and your parents’ names
    • The name and address of your officiant and the address of where you will be getting married
    • The original copy of the One Day Solemnization Authorization Certificate for your officiant if he/she is not licensed to perform ceremonies in Massachusetts, or you wish to have a family member or friend officiate. Apply from the Secretary of State's office: https://www.sec.state.ma.us/OneDayWeb/External/Welcome.aspx
  • Pick up Your Marriage License — There is a required 3-day waiting period before you can pick up your marriage license (if you file on Monday, you can pick up your license on Thursday and only one of you needs to come in). In some cases, you can apply for a marriage without delay at the probate or district court in the town where you submitted your notice to waive this period. The license is valid for 60 days. If you’re not married within 60 days of the date the license was granted, you’ll need to apply for it again.
  • Give Your License to the Person Conducting the Ceremony — After you’re married, your officiant must sign and return the license to the city or town clerk who issued it no later than10 days following the marriage ceremony. The clerk will then sign it and will provide you with a certified copy for your records.