Meeting date: 
Wednesday, September 16, 2020


SEPTEMBER 16, 2020 * Postponed from MAY 13, 2020

The Annual Town Meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Moderator Harland Smith. The requisite quorum was met; 82 Registered Voters and four guests attended for a total of 86 people. The Meeting took place in the East Brookfield Elementary School gym. Masks and social distancing were observed. Mr. Smith called for the Pledge of Allegiance and Ted Boulay, Chairman of the Selectmen, recognized a number of townspeople for their service: Harry Blaisdell, who passed away April 9, 2020, for his 24 years of service to the Town in various capacities – the Meeting was dedicated to him; Therese Archambeault, who passed away May 24, 2020; Joe Fish, who graciously accepted being called back into service on the Board of Selectmen after a brief hiatus; Shaun Richard, former Chair for the Board, for his exemplary leadership; Andy Lynch for his 25 years of service, most especially his fiscal expertise on the Finance Committee; Ruth McNeaney for five decades of service in various capacities; Sue Gordon for 20 years of service, most recently on the Board of Health, helping guide us into this Age of Covid; Paul McCrillis for over 36 years of service to our EMS and Fire Department; the 100th Anniversary Committee – most especially Sue Gordon and Heather Gablaski – hopefully events that are on hold will be able to take place in 2021; Joe Kenney, Water Dept. Superintendent, and the Water Quality Committee of Bob Button, Larry Gordon, Mark Violette and Tim McKeon for getting things rolling on the long overdue water system upgrades; the Finance Committee, especially Mark Carpentier and Leo Fayard for their fiscally responsible contributions as members of the Finance Committee; and lastly Heather Gablaski for her dedicated service to the Town in so many capacities, as well as congratulating her on the publication of her book on the history of East Brookfield.

Before beginning the actual task of going through the Warrant, Finance Committee Chair Mark Carpentier addressed the Townspeople saying we have a balanced budget because the individual departments found a way to cut their proposed budgets, and there was a reduction in our portion of the school budget. He urged us all to contact our federal legislature and put the pressure on them to finish their budget since the Commonwealth’s budget is based on the federal budget and our Town budget is based on the Commonwealth’s.

      He also explained that our Water Department will be operating as an Enterprise Fund; even though the Quinn Bill, which funded incentives for police training, expired years ago, East Brookfield has continued to offer incentives to our police officers for training; thanks went to the Fire Department for a great job on their budget; cemetery work is now contracted services – it’s no longer done by Town employees; and explained that the Reserve Fund is typically used for amounts during the fiscal year that go over previously budgeted amounts; the Police Dept. has opted not to replace a vehicle this year – because of the excellent maintenance schedule our vehicles are on, there isn’t a need for a new vehicle at this time; free cash has remained available to us because our Annual Town Meeting is so late in the year.

The reading of the Warrant and taking up of the twenty-five articles therein then commenced. All articles were read and a motion was made and seconded by the Finance Committee, after which the Town acted upon them in the following order:

ARTICLE 1:   The Town voted to raise the following amounts recommended by the Finance Committee Annual Budget Recommendations FY2021, to defray Town Expenses for the twelve months ending June 30, 2021, and that annual salaries of elected officers of the Town for the ensuing year be set as follows:

                        Town Clerk                                        $26,000.00
                        Selectmen (3 members)                      $8,667.00
                        Chairman (additional)                             $505.00
                        Treasurer                                           $17,182.00
                        Collector                                            $15,843.00
                        Assessors (3 members)                      $4,354.00
                        Chairman (additional)                             $205.00
                        State Certification (additional)                $750.00
                        Board of Health (3 members)              $1,747.00
                        Chairman (additional)                             $253.00
                        Tree Warden                                           $349.00
                        Planning Board (5 members)              $2,008.00
                        Chairman (additional)                             $205.00

In response to a question as to why the Town Clerk salary had gone up about $9,000, Mr. Carpentier explained that the posted hours are quite a bit more, as well as hours worked outside of posted hours, and that it is a position that has been discussed as needing to be better compensated for some years now. Other points made in reference to the overall budget: there has been a reduction in the Board of Selectmen Clerical Wages because it is a part time position and the budget has been unnecessarily carrying a full time position amount; the Water and Highway Departments are separate departments now and funded differently – the Water Department essentially services just those residents on Town water, while the Highway Department services the entire Town.

ARTICLE 2:   The Town voted to raise and appropriate and/or transfer from retained earnings the sum of $214,274.00 to operate the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020. The North Brookfield Board of Health has informed us that they will not be holding a Hazardous and Household Items Waste collection this year. There being no further discussion, the motion carried and the Moderator declared the Article as adopted.

ARTICLE 3:   The Town voted to raise and appropriate and/or transfer from retained earnings the sum of $337,587.00 to operate the Water Enterprise Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020. There being no discussion, the motion carried and the Moderator declared the Article as adopted.

ARTICLE 4:   The Town voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $15,000.00 to the Highway Department for the maintenance of Town roads. This is a reduction from last year. There being no discussion, the motion carried and the Moderator declared the Article as adopted.

ARTICLE 5:   The Town voted to appropriate the sum of $15,000.00 for Chapter 90 Highway Construction & Improvement, the same to be used separately or in addition to sums contributed by the State and County under Chapter 90, providing such contributions are made. There being no discussion, the motion carried and the Moderator declared the Article as adopted.

ARTICLE 6:   The Town voted to accept all cemetery trust funds received and turned over to the Town Treasurer during the 12-month period beginning July 1, 2020. There being no discussion, the motion carried and the Moderator declared the Article as adopted.

ARTICLE 7:   The Town voted to comply with the provisions of Chapter 41, Section 4A of the General Laws as set out in the entire Article (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l and m). There being no discussion, the motion carried and the Moderator declared the Article as adopted.

ARTICLE 8:   The Town voted to authorize the Board of Selectmen to appoint a Town Counsel for its ensuing year. There being no discussion, the motion carried and the Moderator declared the Article as adopted.

ARTICLE 9:   The Town voted to authorize the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of the revenue of the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020, in accordance with the provisions of General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 4, and to issue a note or notes therefore, payable within one year, and to renew any note or notes as may be given for a period of less than one year, in accordance with General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 17. There being no discussion, the motion carried and the Moderator declared the Article as adopted.

ARTICLE 10: The Town voted to authorize the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money in anticipation of reimbursements on Chapter 90 Maintenance or Chapter 90 Construction, for the 12-month period beginning July 1, 2020, in accordance with General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 6A and the Acts in Amendments thereof, and including in addition thereto, Chapter 849 of the Acts of 1969 as amended, and to renew any note or notes as may be given under the Article for a period of less than one year. There being no discussion, the motion carried and the Moderator declared the Article as adopted.

ARTICLE 11: The Town voted to hear all reports of committees appointed at any town meeting. There being no discussion, the motion carried and the Moderator declared the Article as adopted. He then asked if there were any reports to be heard – there being none, he moved on to the next Article.

ARTICLE 12: The Town voted to authorize the Board of Selectmen to accept any gifts of property or money which might be given to the Town. There being no discussion, the motion carried and the Moderator declared the Article as adopted.

ARTICLE 13: The Town voted to pass over the Article at this time. There being no discussion, the motion carried and the Moderator declared the Article as passed over.

ARTICLE 14: The Town voted to appropriate the sum of $400.00 to pay the expenses of the Town representatives to the Spencer-East Brookfield Regional School District Committee. There being no discussion, the motion carried and the Moderator declared the Article as adopted.

ARTICLE 15: The Town voted to authorize the Board of Selectmen and the Conservation Commission to take any action on present or impending grants on Lake Restoration. There being no discussion, the motion carried and the Moderator declared the Article as adopted.

ARTICLE 16: The Town voted to transfer the sum of $226,169.00 from the Ambulance Fees Reserved for Appropriation Fund to the Ambulance Operational Expense Account for the Fiscal Year 2021, in the amounts recommended by the Finance Committee and detailed on p.21 of FY21 Budget Worksheet handout. There being no discussion, the motion carried and the Moderator declared the Article as adopted. However, this amount was the incorrect amount. A motion was made, seconded, carried and adopted to reopen the Article. A new motion was put forth with the correct amount of $236,428.00 at which time motion was made, seconded and carried to adopt the Article as amended.

ARTICLE 17: The Town voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,172,624.00 to the Regional School Apportionment account for the purpose of funding the Fiscal Year 2021 Spencer-East Brookfield Regional School District assessment. School Committee Representative Mike Ethier stated that the State level-funded. There being no discussion, the motion carried and the Moderator declared the Article as adopted.

ARTICLE 18: The Town voted to pass over the Article at this time. The question was raised as to the reason for this Article. Mr. Carpentier explained that it’s a “place holder” of sorts – a standing article in case expenses fall outside of the budgeted expenses. There being no further discussion, the motion carried and the Moderator declared the Article as passed over.

ARTICLE 19: The Town voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $164,500.00 to the Vocational School Account for the purpose of funding the Fiscal Year 2021 costs associated with the education and transportation of East Brookfield Vocational School students. It was noted that we have at least two students in the program and that because our high school doesn’t provide vocational classes, we are required by law to provide for the cost of transportation for these students. There being no further discussion, the motion carried and the Moderator declared the Article as adopted.

ARTICLE 20: The Town voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $40,000.00 to the Special Fire Engine Stabilization Account. Mr. Lynch questioned as to why using free cash was not recommended instead. Mr. Carpentier explained that it had been considered but it would’ve left us with very little free cash. It was felt doing it this way would leave the Town in a better fiscal position. He further explained that Articles 20-22 are actually “savings accounts” and have been placed on the tax levy. There being no further discussion, the motion carried and the Moderator declared the Article as adopted.

ARTICLE 21: The Town voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $20,000.00 to the Special Ambulance Stabilization Account. There being no discussion, the motion carried and the Moderator declared the Article as adopted.

ARTICLE 22: The Town voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $30,000.00 to the Municipal Capital Equipment Stabilization Account. There being no discussion, the motion carried and the Moderator declared the Article as adopted.

ARTICLE 23: The Town voted pursuant to General Laws Chapter 44, Section 53 E1/2, as most recently amended, to establish the Annual Expenditure Limits as set forth in this Article. There being no discussion, the motion carried and the Moderator declared the Article as adopted.

ARTICLE 24: The Town voted to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,000.00 for the maintenance of Private roads for the Fiscal Year 2021. There being no discussion, the motion carried and the Moderator declared the Article as adopted.

ARTICLE 25: The Town voted to authorize the Board of Selectmen to borrow the amount of $2.79 million for the construction of the Water Main Replacement and Well House Upgrades Project, from the Massachusetts Clean Water Trust, to be paid through the East Brookfield Water Enterprise Account. There being no discussion and only one in opposition, the motion was carried by more than the two-thirds majority required, and the Moderator declared the Article as adopted.

As there was no further business to come before the Moderator, a motion was made to adjourn. It was seconded, carried and the meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan V. Jacobs
Town Clerk